Sustainable Coastlines

Sustainable Coastlines

Established in April 2009, the Sustainable Coastlines Charitable Trust is a multi award-winning New Zealand charity that exists to connect people to nature and inspire change.

Our long-term vision is for restored mauri for our moana and our mission is to support communities around Aotearoa to prevent litter and restore waterways. The key outcomes we strive for are beautiful beaches / oneone kōrekoreko, healthy waters / waiora and inspired people / tāngata whakaohooho. Our ultimate goal is a pollution-free ocean. With the scale of this vision and these outcomes, we cannot achieve this work alone.

We deliver and support large-scale clean-up events, educational programmes, public awareness campaigns, catchment-based freshwater restoration and citizen science environmental monitoring activities. We also enable others by supporting ‘Do It Yourself’ efforts nationwide.

Sustainable Coastlines is strictly apolitical and focuses on solutions for people of all ages, backgrounds and sectors. We create open-access programmes, tools, data and resources to equip communities to look after their local environment.

We deliver on our mission and vision through our three core grassroots community programmes:

Love Your Coast

Clean-ups, education and outreach to reduce waste, prevent litter and avoid single-use plastics. Get involved here.

Love Your Water

Community-based restoration activities (including riparian planting, weeding and maintenance) and education to improve the health of our freshwater ecosystems. Learn more.

Litter Intelligence

Training and support for schools and community groups to become ‘citizen scientists’ for our national litter monitoring programme, providing rigorous data to inform actions to solve the litter problem. Learn about the Litter Intelligence Education Programme here.