NZ Conservation Trust

NZ Conservation Trust

Engaging tamariki with our interactive presentations about tuatara, kiwi and other endangered New Zealand species.

The ‘Travelling tuatara’

Discover some of the unusual features of New Zealand’s living dinosaur. What better way to show this unique creature to tamariki, than to bring a live tuatara with us, with the added excitement of seeing it being fed!

Endangered species

We offer presentations about other endangered species such as kea, takahē and kākāpō All presentations are age-relevant.

Kiwi presentation

An in-depth look into the nationwide kiwi recovery programme and why their populations are vulnerable. Mounted kiwi and their predators are on display. This is a great opportunity for tamariki to feel how different kiwi feathers are in comparison to other birds, and to see just how large a kiwi egg is. Learn about the various introduced predators and how we can help to protect native species.

Kiwi viewing tours

Tamariki have the opportunity to learn about the important work that goes into caring for kiwi eggs and chicks at our kiwi hatching facility. A guided tour includes being able to see the incubation room and a kiwi chick. These tours only take place during the kiwi breeding season and are reliant on eggs and chicks being available at the time.