Experiencing Marine Reserves

Experiencing Marine Reserves

Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR) is a national programme of experiential learning about marine conservation.  Our EMR - Te Kura Moana programme empowers schools and communities by providing hands-on experience in the ocean.

It is brought to you by the Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust www.mountainstosea.org.nz which started in Northland in 2001, born of the urgent need to develop community awareness of marine and freshwater management issues. We developed dynamic experiential education programmes that engage schools and communities in marine and freshwater conservation. We see education as a vital part of society and central to all environmental restoration.

We have continued to grow rapidly, taking on the challenges of a national expansion of our core programme brands Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR) - Te Kura Moana www.emr.org.nz  and Whitebait Connection (WBC) www.whitebaitconnection.co.nz   and a wider span of activities. National expansion is based on a non-profit franchise concept, we have Mountains to Sea providers and networks throughout NZ.

Our Suite of Programmes:

  • Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR) is a national programme of experiential learning about marine conservation.  Our EMR - Te Kura Moana programme empowers schools and communities by providing hands-on experience in the ocean.
  • Whitebait Connection (WBC) is an action based environmental education programme for schools and communities focusing on the health of our streams, rivers and wetlands.
  • National Inanga Spawning project (NISP)Te Kaupapa Mātauranga Toene Inanga ā-Motu /NISP offers opportunities for local decision-making, community involvement, freshwater research and monitoring, to give understanding and inspire and empower community into action.
  • Drains to Harbour (DTH) Focuses on local water quality and stormwater pollution sources and results in action to improve these issues. 
  • SHMAK Trainers Are our experts on the ground who can help you with stream health monitoring! The Stream Health Monitoring & Assessment Kit (SHMAK)provides practical tools and resources for land owners, iwi/hapū, schools and community groups to monitor the ecological health of Aotearoa New Zealand's streams.
  • Community Led Initiatives is about supporting local aspirations for Te Taiao such as local marine conservation projects and community catchment and stream restoration groups