Abel Tasman Education Boxes
Abel Tasman Education is a collaboration between Project Janszoon, the Department of Conservation, the Abel Tasman Birdsong Trust and local teachers to ensure that visiting schools from all over New Zealand have all the information they need and are well-prepared to visit the park and learn about its biodiversity and conservation challenges.
Abel Tasman Education provides introductory information about the park for schools, including links to online resources to help with planning a safe trip.

It has also set up Education Boxes - resource kits for teachers to use when taking students into the park. Boxes are based at Marahau Education Centre, as well as at Anchorage and Bark Bay Huts. The contents of the boxes are based on feedback from Project Janszoon’s School Education Programme participants on the activities they have most enjoyed and learned from whilst in the park. Each box has activity materials and guides suitable for that location.
Teachers can prepare for their visit by contacting Abel Tasman Education before they visit the park. Teachers will be given access to a contents list for each box, including site-specific equipment, monitoring activities, games, and challenges to connect and engage students during their visit.
To find out more, teachers can contact abeltasmaneducation@gmail.com