Helping us get familiar with our native tree taonga in a fun, friendly manner.
Trees That Count - Te Rahi o Tāne is a conservation charity working with New Zealanders to plant millions more native trees (they recently reached the 1 million milestone!). You can find out more about their mahi and how to get involved by visiting their website.
Tree Snap and Taukapu Rākau card games are designed to help Kiwis spot a native tree in the wild.
In each pack, you can discover fun facts about 14 trees unique to Aotearoa: including the iconic pōhutukawa, nīkau palm, mānuka, and more.
Taukapu Rākau is completely in te reo Māori, generously translated by Te Taura Whiri o te Reo Māori—Māori Language Commission. Each pack also contains an English translation sheet.

The packs of 52 cards are beautifully illustrated by artist Ezra Whittaker-Powley, and printed on Forest Steward Council Certified Paper.
Best of all, every pack of Tree Snap or Taukapu Rākau sold gets another native tree planted.
Purchase the English version - Tree Snap here
Purchase the te reo Māori version - Taukapu Rākau here
Or click on the link above to see all items in the Trees That Count resource shop.