NZ Garden Bird Survey

NZ Garden Bird Survey
Te Tatauranga o ngā Manu Māra o Aotearoa | The NZ Garden Bird Survey takes place in late June each year.

In 2024 the Garden Bird Survey took place from June 29th - July 7th.

Even though the survey has finished, you can still use the resources to investigate birds throughout the year and get ready for the survey in 2025!

Click on the link provided above to go to the website, which contains everything you need to get your students engaged in this great citizen science project.

Resources include printable identification sheets and posters, available in te reo Māori and English, specific instructions and activities for younger and older children and short, engaging videos that show you how to take part.

The survey lasts one hour. If one hour is too long for your class period, it can be split into two half-hour spells, or three 20-minute spells, or four quarter-hour spells. Children can work together in small groups. Different roles within the group can include a bird spotter, bird counter, bird identifier and results recorder.

Why take part?
  • Because it’s a fun activity!
  • It can easily be built into the curriculum e.g. animal classification, population studies, hypothesis testing, data gathering, data analysis, report writing.
  • It introduces the concept and practice of carrying out simple surveys, which are important for scientific inquiry and a basic tool of conservation (you can’t look after wildlife properly unless you know what’s there and how much of it there is).
  • It conveys positive messages about caring for the environment, knowing and protecting what’s there.
  • It can be a simple one-off activity or a catalyst for many environmental activities and projects.

The NZ Garden Bird survey is a project from Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research.